Team inbox for customer conversations

Channeled automatically tracks external customer activity in connected channels.

Watch a demo of how threads are organized and managed by Channeled in Slack.

Threads are automatically captured/updated when an external customer starts a new message (e.g, new thread in Slack) or replies to an existing message.

Threads are automatically grouped when Channeled detects similarities in topic and timing. For instance, if a specific contact posts two messages in quick succession, Channeled will detect that they’re likely part of the same message, and will store them automatically as part of one thread group.

When created or updated, threads can be accessed in the team inbox, which is configured with default views by assignee or status. Users can create additional filters/views or search to find specific threads in the inbox.

Triaging customer threads in Slack

The live feed in Slack provides your team a dedicated channel in Slack that operates like a unified inbox for all threads connected in Channeled.

Newer installations to Channeled will set up a live feed in Slack during onboarding. If you have an older instance of Channeled, you can create a live feed channel using the steps below.

Capturing historical threads

To save threads that were created in Slack channels before Channeled was installed, you can run a bulk scan for historical channel activity, or selectively save older threads individually.

Once saved, older threads are searchable and filterable within the team inbox.

Updating threads

Thread statuses

Channeled uses 7 primary statuses to organize threads.

NewThe default status for threads where no internal owner has responded to a customer message.
Waiting for CustomerChanneled will automatically set this status to threads previously in New or Open status once internal owners have replied to a customer message.
OpenChanneled will automatically set this status to threads previously in Waiting for Customer status once customers owners have replied to an internal user.
EscalatedThreads can be manually marked Escalated by internal team members.
SnoozedThreads can be manually marked Escalated by internal team members.
CompletedThreads that are closed and count towards responsiveness/resolution metrics.
DismissedThreads that are closed and don’t count towards responsiveness/resolution metrics.

You can update threads in either the live feed or web inbox.

Routing threads

Channeled can automatically route customer threads to internal channel/customer owners, along with a fallback internal owner for any customer channels that do not have a designated owner.

Slack usergroups can be used to assign threads/channels. When usergroups are assigned as thread owners, Channeled uses the first user in the group at any given time for notifications/routing.

Adding internal comments

To add internal comments related to a thread, post a reply in the live feed channel, or add a comment from the team inbox.

Adding tags

To create tags for your organization, go to Inbox Settings.

Parent tags are primarily used to identify the top-level category of thread topics (e.g, bugs, feature requests).

Child tags are used to identify the drill-downs beneath the primary categories (e.g, integrations, dashboards)

You can add/update tags to threads in both the live feed and the web inbox.

1Go to Channels
2For individual updates, find your selected customer record and update the Owner column directly.
3For bulk updates, select or filter for your selected records and click the Reassign button.


Notifications to thread owners

You can add/update tags to threads in both the live feed and the web inbox.

1Go to Channels
2For individual updates, find your selected customer record and update the Owner column directly.
3For bulk updates, select or filter for your selected records and click the Reassign button.

Public channel notifications

You can add/update tags to threads in both the live feed and the web inbox.

1Go to Channels
2For individual updates, find your selected customer record and update the Owner column directly.
3For bulk updates, select or filter for your selected records and click the Reassign button.

Custom notifications by channel

You can add/update tags to threads in both the live feed and the web inbox.

1Go to Channels
2For individual updates, find your selected customer record and update the Owner column directly.
3For bulk updates, select or filter for your selected records and click the Reassign button.